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    BMDV information event ‘Transport forecast 2040 – results of the baseline forecast 2040’

    December 2024

    As the leader of the working group with Trimode, ETR and MWP, Intraplan presented on several topics at the all-day BMDV information event ‘Transport Forecast 2040 - Results of the Basic Forecast 2040’ on 10 December 2024 in Berlin.

    After an introduction by Federal Minister Dr. Volker Wissing, the following key results were presented to an audience of around 160 interested listeners:

    – Explanation of the BMDV building block system for traffic forecasts by Christian Neef, BMDV
    – General overview of the 2040 traffic forecast and categorisation of the baseline forecast by Tobias Kluth, Intraplan
    – Presentation of the economic forecast by Prof. Dr. Michael Bräuninger, ETR
    – Presentation of the maritime transport forecast by Dr. Martin Makait, MWP
    – Presentation of the air traffic forecast by Tobias Kluth, Intraplan
    – Presentation of the passenger transport forecast by Tobias Kluth, Intraplan
    – Presentation of the freight transport forecast by Stefanos Kotzagiorgis, Trimode
    – Presentation of the climate impact of transport by Alexandra Rudolf, Intraplan
    – Closing remarks by Head of Department Dr. Sven Halldorn, BMDV

    In addition to the presentations and the opportunity to ask questions, the future development of transport was discussed intensively during the breaks.

    This concludes the 2040 baseline forecast of the 2040 traffic forecast. In the new year, the working group will be looking at further scenarios and plan cases as part of this project.