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    Presentation of the expert results in the ‘Munich Region Rail Expansion’ programme

    October 2024

    Over the past five years, Intraplan has worked with SMA und Partner AG and Schüßler-Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH on the design and evaluation of regional rail transport expansion measures as part of the ‘Munich Region Rail Expansion’ programme. At the end of July 2024, the experts presented the final results at a dialogue forum.

    In total, service concepts were developed, traffic effects calculated and the structural feasibility checked for 44 measures of widely varying scope. At the end of each of the assessable measures, a cost-benefit analysis was carried out on the basis of the standardised assessment procedure with an expert recommendation as to whether the measures should be pursued further.

    A total of 60 % of the measures were recommended for further implementation by the experts. The expert assessment was negative for 22 % of the measures. The remaining eight U-measures could not be assessed. However, these are to be seen in the overall context of a future and efficient Munich junction and should therefore also be pursued further.

    To the press release of the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport with an overview of the measures that were positively assessed by the experts: Press release of the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport (external link)


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