We create mobility concepts from the setting of objectives to implementing concrete actions.
What it’s all about
Designing mobility means having an idea of what mobility should look like: it should meet mobility needs, ensure the accessibility of business locations and be characterised by features such as speed, reliability, low costs, low emissions and minimal land use. Mobility concepts serve to work out concrete weak points and to identify and prioritise measures for improvement.
In the context of climate protection and innovative forms of mobility, the question is increasingly being raised as to whether and how the public sector can intervene in the development of mobility. Corresponding plans and concepts include technological trends, social developments and the market situation and show ways how mobility can be steered in a desired direction through targeted measures. The spectrum of measures ranges from restrictive, traffic-guiding interventions (speed limits, rededication of vehicle lanes to bicycle lanes) to pricing measures (toll systems for vehicles, zero fares in public transport) and service expansions in ecomobility to the promotion of innovative technologies (electric mobility and further sustainable drive systems, intermodal connectivity, on-demand services).
Transport development planning serves to identify long-term developments in spatial structure and mobility and to orient planning towards these developments. They are usually aligned with overall transport and consider both freight and passenger transport. They serve as a framework for public sector planners for further in-depth planning and implementation of individual measures. This usually involves infrastructure measures or long-term service concepts in public transport with corresponding effects on the infrastructure.
Local transport development plans are a special form of development plans and deal with the framework planning for the long-term design of the local public transport system in a region.This includes the question of the required systems (local railways, metro/light rail, tram, bus), the infrastructure requirements and the service concepts.
How we support you
- We analyse the transport situation in your area and identify weaknesses in the context of the objectives you have set.
- We identify possible measures, analyse their effectiveness, prioritise and schedule the steps in a kind of action plan. On this basis, you will achieve your targets faster and more cost-effectively.
- We are adept at explaining the technical basis and results of our work in public participation processes, which usually accompanies the concept development phase in a constructive manner.
- We know the processes of opinion-forming at all political levels and support you in presenting and representing the results in all committees.
- We offer you support across a broad spectrum, from operational/technical transport development plans to strategic mobility concepts.
What our clients appreciate
- Our clients benefit from our wealth of experience: in our four-decades-long company history, we have sharpened our eye for the essentials.
- Our clients appreciate our neutrality: though being very passionate about our tasks, we always examine mobility and transport with a critical-professional distance. We let ourselves be guided as little as possible by our wishes but rather by our findings.
- Our clients trust in our methodological competence: we have extensive methodological tools and software solutions that enable us not only to expect the effects of measures, but also to quantify them.
Our conceptual perspective and design approach is applied to a large part of our projects. With our mobility concepts, we have made a substantial contribution to shaping the transport of tomorrow, for example in the following projects:
- Future of mobility in Ulm and the Alb-Donau district
- Regional Local Transport Plan for the Rhine-Main Transport Network
- Overall transport plan for Frankfurt