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    Our portfolio

    Overview of services

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    Transport stations

    Transport stations are hot spots of passenger traffic. The operators of these stations have to meet the requirements arising from the growing passenger flows, whether when developing solutions for congested stations or planning new stations. It is not only a matter of ensuring functionality, but also of offering sufficient space, freedom of movement and an appropriate quality of stay.

    Our spectrum

    Overview of services

    We forecast station loads of existing stations or stations to be newly built on the basis of well-founded traffic model approaches and data sources. This provides you with information on suitable station locations or estimates of the economic viability of new or expansion measures, including improved interchange facilities.

    We analyse existing and planned stations, reception buildings, passenger tunnels and stops regarding their performance. For this purpose, we carry out a comparison between passenger flows and the capacity of corridors and stairways. From the comparison of demand and capacity, we identify critical parts of the facility and develop proposals for eliminating bottlenecks. In this way, we ensure that infrastructure plans meet the legal requirements for approval, e.g. in the planning approval procedure.

    Our target-oriented


    We offer you decisive added value through

    • extensive methodological knowledge,
    • modelling tools that have been tested and developed over many years,
    • knowledge of the requested traffic area,
    • use of all available data sources,
    • linking the analyses with existing traffic forecasts and service concepts,
    • qualified assessment of the study results on the basis of our long-standing professional experience, as well as through a
    • understandable and comprehensible presentation of results.

    Our focus

    Bringing together the interests of operators and users

    The planning of transport structures can be strongly influenced by economic requirements and thus conflict with the needs of users and customers in public transport for a generous infrastructure. By selecting suitable assessment approaches and taking into account extensive project experience, we can help our clients to identify and resolve such conflicts of interest.



    We advise clients of newly planned stations or operators of existing facilities on the question of the passenger transport facilities will meet future requirements.

    Federal government · Federal states Bayern Hessen Salzburg Municipalities · Districts Frankfurt München Associations RMV MVV Transport companies DB SNCF VAG (Nürnberg) Infrastructure operators · Airports MUC STR EAP FRA BER HAM
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