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    Bernd Kollberg

    Managing Directors

    Consultant for public transport, conception of services, demand forecasts, macroeconomic evaluation, commercial management

    +49 (89) 45911 - 122
    Foto von Bernd Kollberg, Mitarbeiter Intraplan Consult GmbH
    Consulting is above all a question of personality.

    The understanding of transport as a system is the basis of my work. My goal is to make good transport systems even better without losing sight of practicality and economic efficiency. In addition to societal values, such as environmental and climate protection, my particular focus is on the interests of the users: ultimately, it is the people who decide how they shape their mobility. Creating the framework conditions for this is a matter close to my heart.

    Education and career

    Studied economics with a minor in economic geography at the University of Hamburg, graduating with a diploma.

    Freelancer with Hamburg-Consult GmbH and Intraplan Consult GmbH, Munich

    Hamburg-Consult GmbH, research assistant and project manager

    since 1999
    Intraplan Consult GmbH, Munich
    Project Manager