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    Our portfolio

    Overview of services

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    Air transport

    Air transport is the sector with the highest growth dynamics. This development reflects economic and social globalisation. Also, this globalisation is only made possible by air transport. However, growth has its downsides: Although noise, pollutant emissions and CO2 emissions per flight could considerably be reduced in the past, they are still future challenges due to the dynamic increase in traffic. To meet these challenges, airports must be designed efficiently, their landside connectivity must be improved and flight operations must be optimised, taking into account intermodal transport solutions. These issues have been the focus of our consulting practice for many years.

    Our spectrum

    Overview of services

    Flights take place as part of intermodal, mostly international transport chains. Therefore, we include in our market analyses and demand forecasts for passenger and airfreight traffic also the land-side pre- and post-carriage. We use well-founded traffic models to calculate the effects on the airport catchment area and the modal split when improving the airport access.

    First of all, the development of travel and transport flows is analysed globally. Next, the traffic allocated to air transport is analysed in detail at airport level. From this, capacity requirements and other flight operations implications are derived.

    Our target-oriented


    We offer you added value through

    • the combination of aviation expertise and market knowledge across all modes of transport with many years of consulting experience,
    • an extensive air traffic data pool,
    • interdisciplinary project teams,
    • the use of powerful and approved analysis and modelling tools,
    • international experience in complex and high-level planning and decision-making processes, and
    • „court-proof“ planning documents.

    Our focus

    Keeping an eye on all relevant interactions

    Air transport is interlinked in global travel and transport flows like no other mode of transport. Therefore, all other modes of transport must be taken into account in their complementary feeder functions or as competitors. We keep all relevant interrelationships in mind through our globally scaling and cross-modal approach. This is not only when we consider general regulatory measures with a national or global scope but also when we analyse the traffic situation at individual hotspots of air transport.



    In the field of air traffic, we are involved in key strategic and planning issues at almost all major airports in Central Europe and also advise airlines, feeder traffic carriers and numerous air traffic authorities.

    Federal · State BMVI BAZL Hessen Brandenburg Luftamt Süd- und Nordbayern Associations · Chambers ADV Aerosuisse BDL IHK Rhein-Neckar Infrastructure operator · Airports BER BRE BSL CGN DUS FMM FMO FRA GVA HAJ HAM HHN LEJ MUC NUE PAD STR SZG VIE ZRH Airlines Lufthansa Swiss KLM