Our software offers are based on sophisticated methods of traffic planning and transport sciences. Based on a differentiated analysis and integration of all available, internal and external data sources, we create a process concept in a first step. Taking into account coordinated evaluation rules and efficient, proved and tested calculation methods, this enables effective processing. The aim is to achieve reliable results that are accepted by all parties involved as a basis for accounting or planning purposes.
In a second step, the software is initially implemented by us as a prototype. After detailed coordination with you, the software is converted into a quality-assured software that can be used by your personnel. If required, the most important functionalities can be accessed via a modern, multi-user-capable web interface. For customers who want to explore data processing and model application in greater depth, we offer desktop applications that can be used to access the entire application spectrum of our models.
For us, data and methods represent a unity.
Each traffic region has its own particularities. This applies to special supply and demand constellations, but also to the availability of data for the traffic model and its validity.
Therefore, a traffic model consists not only of methods that are tied together in a software package. Above all, it consists of a comprehensive set of data that is assembled to suit the application. We usually provide you with the pre-configured software including a reviewed initial set of data.
Your own personnel can feed the model with new data. We are also available to assist you with data maintenance.
How useful are attractive charts if the results are not correct?
We offer you customised software packages that meet the specific requirements of transport planning and transport economics. In addition to user-friendliness, this includes above all the accuracy of the results in accordance with the technical requirements.
We know the potential pitfalls that can arise from too careless handling of large quantities of data. With our software, you always benefit from our many years of experience in dealing with the not always “well-formed” input data and our know-how in processing traffic-related data bases.