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    Our portfolio

    Overview of services

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    Road transport

    The issues in road transport are diverse: some of them concern only freight transport, others passenger transport but often both segments are involved simply for capacity reasons. The spatial level of consideration also has a wide range: we deal just as much with issues in long-distance traffic, for example for the German motorway network, as with studies in urban areas or even for individual routes or facilities.

    Our spectrum

    Overview of services

    Road space is scarce and car, freight and commercial traffic compete for it. In inner-city areas, stationary and moving motorised traffic also competes with bicycle and pedestrian traffic and other uses of road space. We work on road traffic issues from the perspective of urban planners, toll operators or long-term infrastructure planning. In addition to classic capacity expansion, we also deal with monetary instruments such as user charges like tolls or parking fees.

    Our target-oriented


    We offer a broad range of solutions, including:

    • Large-scale studies on traffic development and capacity utilisation in the highway network
    • Route-specific forecasts of traffic development and, if necessary, toll revenue development for bridges, tunnels or highway sections
    • Assessment of the effects of interventions in road traffic, e.g. through tolls or traffic restrictions
    • Analyses and studies of facilities for stationary traffic, e.g. Park and Ride (P+R)
    • Special studies on freight and commercial traffic



    Not only various planning authorities for the infrastructure of highway, state, regional or municipal roads seek our expert support. Also investors who have participated or want to participate in PPP projects rely on our expertise in the field of road transport.

    Municipalities · Districts Landkreis Dachau Zweckverband StUB Landkreis Fürth Associations · Chambers ADAC IHK-München Infrastructure operators Bonaventura Pansuevia Via Solutions Thüringen Via Solutions Südwest Herrentunnel Lübeck Hochtief Tank & Rast Main Road