Dipl.-Math. oec.
Tobias Kluth
Managing Directors
Consultant for international rail traffic, road traffic, road freight traffic, overall traffic, process development, traffic data
+49 (89) 45911 - 128
Numbers - when they occur in large quantities - are a powerful tool. Generating exciting statements from empirical sources and big data often results in an "eye opener".
The topics in the transport sector on which our clients approach us with their questions are as exciting as they are diverse. Getting involved with the most diverse questions and goals, penetrating the topic, trying out solutions in a team, discarding them if necessary, and finally being able to present a result that answers the customer’s question and satisfies oneself – that is meaningful work and gives me the feeling that I am making an important contribution to the mobility of tomorrow.
The range of local and long-distance transport, passenger and freight transport, from bicycles to aeroplanes creates so much variety that – coupled with the ever new questions and challenges as well as new types of data sources – it remains exciting even after decades.
Education and career
Studied business mathematics at the University of Trier, majoring in operations research, numerics, computer science, economics, urban and regional economics; degree: Diploma
since 1998
Intraplan Consult GmbH, Munich