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    Our portfolio

    Overview of services

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    The space available for traffic is limited. At the same time, a variety of road users lay claim to it. Although a large proportion of journeys are made on foot, the requirements of motorised road users often take priority today. In order to take the concerns of pedestrians into account, transport companies, infrastructure operators, vehicle manufacturers, licensing and supervisory authorities need reliable data on current and future pedestrian volumes in various spatial boundaries.

    Our spectrum

    Overview of services

    We help to ensure increasingly safe and comfortable traffic flows for pedestrians. To achieve this, we provide findings on the quantity and spatial distribution of pedestrians’ journeys in the current state and for forecasting purposes.

    Our target-oriented


    We offer you decisive added value through

    • Extensive methodological knowledge and transfer of findings and tools from numerous other projects,
    • combination of our own and external data sources,
    • high diligence in technical handling,
    • qualified assessment of the study results on the basis of our long-term professional experience, as well as
    • an understandable and comprehensible presentation of results.

    Our focus

    Keeping focus on the real traffic situation

    It is important for us to observe and record real traffic events in order to obtain a solid basis for our predictions. With the help of specific traffic models, we examine the task in scenarios to ensure the future viability of the planned infrastructure. In doing so, we do not limit ourselves to the requirements of the regulations, but take into account the special boundary conditions of the traffic facility.



    The addressees of our services include infrastructure companies from the rail transport sector, transport companies as well as municipal and private planning authorities.

    To our Project Papers