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    Traffic modelling

    Traffic patterns are too complex to be continuously recorded in detail. Also, the effects of changes in the transport system are difficult to anticipate. This is why traffic models are indispensable for traffic planners. They are used to analyse and simulate the traffic patterns of various types of traffic, to make forecasts and to develop transport solutions, as well as to present and evaluate their effects.

    With their help, forecasts are made and transport solutions developed, as well as their effects presented and evaluated.

    What it is about

    In standard traffic models, traffic demand and traffic flows are described and simulated in four stages: Mobility and transport volume (traffic generation), destination choice (traffic distribution), mode choice (modal split) and route choice (traffic allocation). However, there are also other types of models, all of which serve to describe complex transport planning issues and make them manageable.

    There are standard traffic models and standard software for many recurring questions in transport planning. For most special issues, however, it makes sense to develop and implement customised model solutions. Such task-specific solutions do not have to be more complex than standard solutions; on the contrary, by individualising the model, we can concentrate on the essential questions and adapt the methodology to data availability and reliability.

    Traffic models are indispensable, but they also often reach their limits. It is the task of the traffic model expert to recognise these and overcome them with suitable measures.

    Above all, the correct recording of traffic links is often the weak point in traffic modelling. For this reason, it has been our approach for many years to use empirical data components as far as possible to map the traffic links (“source-destination matrices”). Therefore, we are also increasingly using digital data bases (mobile phone data, floating car data, etc.).

    How we support you

    • We develop customised traffic models for all issues of local and long-distance traffic, passenger and freight transport, whether on an overall spatial basis or project- and task-related.
    • The model software developed by Intraplan can either be installed on your system, or can be used by Intraplan on your behalf. Alternativley, we can implement a web-based solution for you.
    • We can also advise you on the design of a more comprehensive model system suitable for you, including the data concept required for it.
    • Our methods (model building blocks) and our know-how on data bases and empirics are always up to date.

    What our clients appreciate

    • Because methods and algorithms are developed by us, we are always able to explain model and model results despite the complexity and depth of detail.
    • Our traffic models have always passed the scrutiny of external auditors or judicial review.
    • We offer customised traffic models. This also means that we do not offer solutions or “extras” that are not needed. Because a traffic model is not an end in itself.
    • We are always available for questions and explanations regarding content. Also a long time after delivery of the model software.

    Our focus


    Working with traffic models is one of our core competences. We have created and applied traffic models in a large number of projects.

    • Transport model for the German Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030 (passenger transport); predecessor models since 1989
    • Model system ProMove, among others for the German Ministry of Transport BMDV, for forecasting passenger and freight traffic in Germany
    • Web-based model “Hinkelstein” for impact analyses of landside road and rail traffic at Munich Airport
    • MVV database (ongoing) – traffic model for the Munich transport association with focus on public transport planning
    • Development of a planning software and data basis for the traffic assessment of infrastructure projects for the Stuttgart Tramway (SSB)