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    Project Dossiers

    Traffic forecasts and monitoring of traffic development on the A8 motorway between Ulm and Augsburg (A-Model A8 II)

    since 2009

    Expertises and Studies Freight transport Revenues from road tolls Road traffic forecasts Road transport Traffic Analysis Traffic forecasts Traffic modelling

    The initial situation

    Anyone who bears the traffic volume risk for a toll route needs a high-quality traffic forecast.

    “Forecasts are difficult, especially when they concern the future.” This well-known quote is especially true when money is at stake. In the case of toll roads realised in public-private partnerships (PPP), one of the two partners always bears the traffic volume risk. In order to be able to assess this, all sides need a reliable estimate of future traffic development – in this case for a challenging period of more than three decades.

    Without a well-founded assessment of future traffic development, the risk taking is not possible.

    The concrete task

    Forecasts of traffic development – in this case in road freight traffic – in the coming decades are to be provided for a specific section of motorway.

    Our solution

    Solid basic data, well-founded traffic forecast models and realistic forecast premises

    Benefits of the results

    Profound assessment of future traffic development and a credible position towards other project participants

    Project data and contact persons

    Traffic forecasts and monitoring of traffic development on the A8 motorway between Ulm and Augsburg (A-Model A8 II)

    Most recently Pansuevia

    Processing period
    since 2009