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    Our portfolio

    Overview of services

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    Freight transport

    For decades, freight transport has developed more dynamically than passenger transport. The growth dynamic results from the increasing division of labour and the expansion of international trading. However, transport performance (tonne-kilometres) increase more than transport volumes (tonnes). The transport of goods usually takes place in larger units – trucks, cargo trains, ships – and the transports take place day and night. For this reason, freight traffic is often perceived as more disruptive than passenger traffic, especially in the area of air transport, and requires special consideration in transport planning.

    Our spectrum

    Overview of services

    We understand the special challenge of organising freight transport and take this into account when planning the required infrastructure: in freight transport, the bundling of transport flows is even more distinct in spatial terms (large consignors and consignees) as well as in timing terms (just in time delivery, necessity of “night jumps”) than in passenger transport. Furthermore, international and intermodal transport chains play a central role in logistics, including the collection and distribution of goods in the whole area. Together with our clients from infrastructure operators and the transport industry, we develop demand-oriented transport concepts.

    The increasing demand for transport is also accompanied by corresponding environmental impacts, which must always be kept in mind when developing transport concepts and infrastructure measures. We prepare well-founded transport volume frameworks to make them available for downstream impact analyses.

    Our target-oriented


    We offer you essential added value through

    • our comprehensive view covering everything from the specifics of individual transport volumes to the general transport volumes documented in freight transport statistics,
    • our number- and fact-based, analytical approach,
    • our empirical knowledge gained from numerous specific expert interviews with shippers and representatives of the transport industry,
    • our experience with long- and short-term freight forecasts for all modes of transport,
    • our expertise in the context of road, rail and air transports,
    • our experience with the transport-relevant specifics of various types of transport and freight goods, including, in particular, courier express parcel shipments,
    • experience with long and short term forecasts in freight transport of all means of transport.

    Our focus

    Keeping an eye on the interaction of freight and passenger traffic

    Transport infrastructure usually serves both modes of transport. Conflicts of use and objectives are inevitable here. When examining transport projects, we wear “both sets of glasses” if necessary. For example, when increasing the frequency of passenger transport on important railway lines, the influence on the capacities and timetables of goods trains must also be taken into account. In our opionion, this is one of the special challenges of the planned Germany-wide Integrated Synchronised Timetables (“Deutschlandtakt”).

    News from

    Freight transport

    Freight transport aspects are regularly part of our various consulting projects, expert reports and planning studies. We also carry out regular monitorings, for example for the operators of so-called A-models in road freight transport: herefore, we regularly evaluate traffic statistics on the basis of Toll Collect data. In this way, we always keep our detailed data on traffic development on national main roads up to date.



    The spectrum of our customers in the freight transport sector is as broad as our range of services: Federal ministries and subordinate authorities are just as well represented as airports, infrastructure operators or investors.

    Federal government · Federal states BMVI BAG Infrastructure operators SBB Via Solutions Thüringen Via Solutions Südwest Pansuevia Bonaventura Herrentunnel Lübeck Main Road Tank & Rast Airports FRA LEJ CGN MUC