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    Project Dossiers

    Traffic and revenue forecasts for the PPP Eastern Region Bundle 1 “Ypsilon” – Vienna Ring Road and A5 Northern Motorway

    2005/2006, 2011, 2012, 2018/2019

    Cost and revenue forecasts Expertises and Studies Freight transport Infrastructure requirements Revenues from road tolls Road transport Traffic Analysis Traffic forecasts

    The initial situation

    A motorway is to be built, but how much traffic can be expected?

    The Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFiNAG) is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the motorway and motorway network in Austria. In 2005, a private partner was sought to build the motorways of the Vienna regional ring (S1 and S2) and the southern section of the A5 northern motorway (“Ypsilon”) and also to operate and maintain them for several decades. Its financing was to be generated from a “shadow toll” charged on the route. Thus, all parties needed a traffic forecast in order to be able to assess the expected future revenues and risks on this basis.

    On toll roads, project opportunities as well as project risks depend on future traffic volumes.

    The concrete assignment

    Preparation of a traffic forecast for light and heavy traffic on the “Ypsilon”

    Our solution

    Good data basis – reliable traffic models – realistic and transparent forecast assumptions

    Benefits of the results

    Realistic assessment of traffic development and risks

    Project data and contact persons

    Traffic and revenue forecasts for the PPP Eastern Region Bundle 1 “Ypsilon” (Vienna Regional Ring Road and A5 Northern Motorway)

    Last Bonaventura

    Processing period
    2005/2006, 2011, 2012, 2018/2019