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    Project Dossiers

    Reactivation of the Wölfersheim-Södel – Hungen railway line for regional passenger transport.

    October 2015–June 2017 and February 2018–October 2018

    Consulting Expertises and Studies Local public transport Overall economic evaluation Rail transport Service Conception Traffic modelling

    The initial situation

    The Wöfersheim-Södel – Hungen railway line has been shut down, but is supposed to be reactivated for regional passenger transport.

    In the past, declining demand on regional rail lines in passenger and freight transport has often led to the discontinuation of rail transport for economic reasons and, in some cases, to the dismantling of the infrastructure and the decommissioning of the lines. Since the railway reform, however, the reopening of such lines for regional passenger transport has been proposed and in many cases successfully implemented. In recent years, climate protection has increasingly become a public issue. Therefore, the persons with political responsibility see the reactivation of railway lines as an opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by transport and at the same time to strengthen rural and often structurally weak regions.

    On the Wölfersheim-Södel – Hungen section of the Friedberg – Beienheim – Hungen railway line, operations were discontinued in 2003. This was preceded by a series of investigations and expert opinions between 1998 and 2003, which ultimately contributed to the decision to discontinue operations. Local trains continue to be offered only on the Beienheim – Wölfersheim section, however with service gaps of several hours. After the train service was discontinued, the existing infrastructure and the dedication as a railway line were retained.

    The concrete task

    Development of a service and infrastructure concept and proof of eligibility for funding by means of standardised evaluation

    Our solution

    Iterative development of a customised service and infrastructure concept that extends far beyond the actual planning area and achieves optimal transport effects.

    Benefits of the results

    With the proven sufficient benefit-cost indicator, the clients were able to take positive decisions and proceed with the next steps towards reactivation.

    Project data and contact persons

    Standardised evaluation of the reactivation of the railway line Wölfersheim-Södel – Hungen for regional passenger transport

    City of Hungen with participation of the municipality of Wölfersheim, Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund and Zweckverband Oberhessische Versorgungsbetriebe ZOV-Verkehr

    Processing period
    October 2015–January 2017 and February 2018–July 2018