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    Ulrich Rückert

    Senior Manager

    Consultant for public transport, service, operation and infrastructure concepts, macroeconomic evaluation, transport modelling

    +49 (89) 45911 - 148
    Foto von Ulrich Rückert, Mitarbeiter Intraplan Consult GmbH
    We critically question given boundary conditions. In the interest of our clients and the passengers as well as in the triad of demand, operation and infrastructure, we develop optimal concepts from a single source.

    The modern world would be inconceivable without an efficient transport system and its design has a direct impact on the living environment and quality of life of all of us. The work in transport is therefore extremely multifaceted and directly related to people. Different perspectives on strategies and solutions spice up the topics even more. At the same time, transport sets a wide range of framework conditions for other areas.

    It is always exciting to develop outstanding solutions in this challenging environment, to forecast effects and sometimes to be able to experience them yourself. Taking into account the project- and customer-specific peculiarities and integrating them into the solution finding process is a challenge every time and the key to success.

    Education and career

    Studied aerospace engineering, specialising in aeronautical propulsion and statics and dynamics at the University of Stuttgart, graduating with a degree in engineering.

    Assistant and research associate at the Institute of Railway and Transport Engineering at the University of Stuttgart

    Doctorate: “Method for the economic evaluation of noise protection measures on railways – with special consideration of refurbishment”, Dr.-Ing.

    Office of the Salzburg Provincial Government, Department of Transport Planning and Public Transport, Expert for Transport Planning

    since 2010
    Intraplan Consult GmbH