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    The initial situation

    The introduction of a congestion charge is being discussed in various cities.

    The motivation for such a charge can be very different: reducing traffic congestion, generating revenue or reducing environmental pollution. Just like in many other major European cities, congestion on the road networks and an insufficient number of parking spaces is an increasing problem in Munich.

    Road and parking capacities are overloaded in many cities.

    The specific task

    Investigation of the traffic impact of different pricing measures for road traffic in Munich

    In our study, which was carried out in cooperation with the ifo Institute for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, one aspect was decisive: to reduce traffic congestion in the city of Munich. The study examined both, the traffic effects of charging for moving traffic (“city toll”) and for stationary traffic (increasing parking fees). Not only the effects on road traffic – passenger as well as commercial traffic – but also the interactions with public transport were to be examined.

    Our solution

    Creation of a traffic model for the entire traffic system to analyse the initial situation and the impact of measures.

    Benefits of the results

    The determined effects of measures allow the evaluation of the impact of different pricing instruments on the traffic situation.

    Project data and contact persons

    Traffic management by means of road pricing in Munich

    IHK for Munich and Oberland, subcontracted by the ifo Institute

    Ifo Institute
    Teralytics (Telefónica Next) for data delivery of mobile phone analyses

    Processing time
    March–July 2020