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    The initial situation

    Until now, no systematic information was available on bicycle traffic as a contributor to more sustainable transport in Munich.

    The bicycle as a means of transport plays an increasing role not only in public discussion, but also in mobility planning. Not least under the keyword “mobility transition” (transition to more sustainable mobility), the bicycle has been given a higher priority in transport planning in recent years. Although there is already a wide range of data available on cycling in Munich, it has often been small-scale and not systematic. This information was often not sufficient for a comprehensive, superordinate planning which is oriented towards the opportunities of cycling.

    Cycling is given a higher priority in transport planning.

    The concrete task

    Establishment of a comprehensive database for bicycle traffic in Munich

    Our solution

    Recording of the current volume of cycling traffic, creation of a cycling traffic matrix for Munich and allocation of cycling traffic to the traffic network.

    Some of the existing counts of cycling traffic in Munich are already several years old, were mainly carried out with a focus on motorised traffic and the weather did not play a role in the choice of counting days. As a result, the counting hours on the survey days did not always reflect the needs of cycling. As part of Lot 1 of this project, a large-scale survey of cycling was designed, carried out, evaluated and extrapolated.

    The existing and newly collected counting data were extrapolated to the average day and the normal working day using a specially developed extrapolation procedure, so that both comparable time series and a uniform picture of the current traffic situation were available (traffic volume map). Based on this, a traffic model for bicycle traffic was built.

    Benefits of the results

    For the first time, detailed information on traffic volumes and structures in cycling as well as a corresponding traffic model are available.

    Project data and contact persons

    Improvement of the traffic data situation in Munich for the planning and evaluation of traffic planning and control measures (VVD-M) – application case cycling planning

    City of Munich, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations

    Schuh & Co., Germering (field work data collection)

    Processing period