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    Project Dossiers

    Study on demand-oriented infrastructure development for regional air traffic in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region


    Air traffic forecasts Air transport Airports Demand flows and transport links Expertises and Studies Infrastructure requirements Traffic Analysis

    The initial situation

    The Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region is dependent on regional air traffic for direct air transport access.

    What is the current and future demand for business travel in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region (MRN) in scheduled air traffic and business aviation? To what extent does the air traffic infrastructure fulfil its function of ensuring demand-oriented air traffic development as a business location factor? How are possible options for action to be weighed up in order to continuosly maintain and shape air traffic in the metropolitan region attractively for the region’s resident companies?

    Business aviation closes a small but crucial gap in business travel.

    The concrete task

    Identification of various development possibilities as a result of an analysis and comparison of demand and existing infrastructure.

    Our solution

    Coordinated process to derive concrete, supra-regional development concepts for the airport infrastructure in the region on the basis of demand forecasts and targeted expert discussions from various alternative courses of action.

    Benefits of the results

    A well-founded benefit analysis transparently brings together traffic demand, economic effects and technical possibilities of various development alternatives.

    Project data and contact persons

    Perspectives of regional air traffic in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region

    Rhine-Neckar Regional Association

    with the support of:
    IHK Pfalz
    Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    Processing period
