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    Markus Schubert

    Senior Manager

    Consultant for overall traffic, air traffic, demand forecasts, passenger and freight traffic, mobility research, process development

    +49 (89) 45911 - 127
    Foto von Markus Schubert, Mitarbeiter Intraplan Consult GmbH
    Transport is socially too important to be judged solely in technocratic terms - but it helps to look at facts to avoid misjudgements.

    My background is in regional science. Because it has a lot to do with spatial interdependencies, one quickly ends up with transport. Analysing transport linkages, their causes, effects and developments was the speciality from which everything else developed: mobility research, transport modelling, transport forecasts, evaluation of transport projects and alternative solutions, federal transport route planning.

    I have played a major role in shaping all “binding” nationwide analyses of source-destination traffic flows and traffic interrelationship forecasts since the end of the 1980s, linking traffic models with empirical data, most recently mobile phone data. And I still feel “the respect for the numerical, for the calculation result”, which must always be questioned again, despite all the good traffic models and data bases.

    Education and career

    Studied urban and regional planning at the Technical University of Berlin, majoring in regional science, graduating as a graduate engineer

    Research assistant at the Technical University of Berlin, research focus: “Supraregional economic, social, touristic and traffic interrelations”.

    Doctorate: “Linkages between Berlin (West) and the (then) Federal Republic of Germany”, Dr.-Ing.

    since 1987
    Intraplan Consult GmbH, Munich
    since 1990 co-partner, since 2007 executive director with focus on long-distance traffic

    Recognised expert in numerous court proceedings on transport projects of national and international importance: Federal Administrative Court, Higher Administrative Courts or Administrative Courts in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Austrian Federal Administrative Court

    Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)

    Janko, A.; Kluth, T.; Schubert, M.: With 300 km/h through India – Feasibility study on high-speed rail transport in southern India, in: Internationales Verkehrswesen 1/2019

    Nebauer, G; Schubert, M.; et al: Development of a core network for trolley trucks, in: International Transport 6/2018

    Schubert, M.; Ratzenberger, R.: Changes in transport behaviour? – A fact check, in: International Transport 2/2017

    Quentin, E.; Böck, P.; Schubert, M.: Current fleet development in Germany – supply strategies of airlines and their impact on air transport, DLRK 2015

    Böck, P.; Schubert, M.: Implementation of GNSS-based RNAV-flight procedures – quantification of potential benefits for business aviation users, CEAS 2015, Challenges in European Aerospace, August 2015