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    Project Dossiers

    Preliminary assessment of the Tram West tangent in preparation for a Standardised Assessment.

    September 2017–August 2018

    Local public transport Overall economic evaluation Service Conception Traffic modelling

    The initial situation

    The Tram West Tangent is an important component of the local transport offensive in Munich.

    The Tram West Tangent is intended to significantly improve public transport services in the west of Munich, especially along the busy Fürstenrieder Straße. The new line starts at Romanplatz in Neuhausen and ends at Aidenbachstraße in Sendling. The 8.5 km long route crosses the S-Bahn main line and three underground lines. As an essential part of a tram tangent concept, the project aims to avoid detours via the city centre and reduces interchanges. The financial contribution according to GVFG (German “Municipal Transport Financing Act”) from the federal government and the Free State of Bavaria is to support the realisation of the project.

    The concrete task

    Updating the evaluation basis to determine the project’s eligibility for funding

    Our solution

    Transport modelling and variant evaluation in an iterative process

    Use of the results

    The Tram West tangent project results in a macroeconomic benefit surplus

    Project data and contact persons

    Preparation of a Standardised Assessment for the Tram West Tangent in Munich

    Stadtwerke Munich GmbH (SWM)

    Processing period
    September 2017–August 2018