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    Stefan Böttcher

    Senior Manager

    Consultant for public transport, service conception, macroeconomic evaluation, pedestrian flows

    +49 (89) 45911 - 143
    Foto von Stefan Böttcher, Mitarbeiter Intraplan Consult GmbH
    Don't talk about the future of mobility from the outside, but contribute to the implementation of transport projects right here yourself

    Transport projects usually take place in a comparatively complex environment. Technical challenges and economic constraints collide with societal demands and this under the influence of diverse actors and stakeholders. In this environment, a calm, professional view can be a regulating element in the conflict of different interests.

    Education and career

    Studied traffic engineering at the Technical University of Dresden, majoring in road traffic engineering, degree: Diploma

    seit 2001
    Intraplan Consult GmbH, Munich


    Arnold, M., Böttcher, S.: Design traffic volumes against the background of changing traffic levels. Forschung Straßenbau und Straßenverkehrstechnik, issue 922