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    Project Dossiers

    Monitoring the competitiveness of Swiss air transport

    2012, 2015, 2018

    Air transport Airports Demand flows and transport links Expertises and Studies Traffic Analysis

    The initial situation

    How should the development status and development dynamics of Swiss air transport be classified in an international comparison?

    Far-sighted political decisions and the early recognition and addressing of the need for political action require a comprehensive overview of the status quo. The monitoring of competitiveness is intended to show the position of Swiss aviation in comparison to other market participants as well as its specific strengths and weaknesses. The comparative analysis of processes in air transport provides valuable benchmarks and thus insights to be able to transparently classify and assess the own situation/position.

    Far-sighted political decisions require a comprehensive overview of the status quo.

    The concrete task

    Analysis and assessment of the state of development and development dynamics of Swiss air transport in international comparison

    Our solution

    Based on a comprehensive statistical-graphical processing of the study results, we derived transparent statements on the competitiveness of Swiss air transport.

    Benefits of the results

    The analyses show a need for action in the transport policy framework in order not to endanger the competitiveness of Swiss air transport.

    Project data and contact persons

    Monitoring the competitiveness of Swiss aviation

    Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA
    Swiss International Airports Association

    Processing timeframe
    2012-2019 (the third version was submitted in 2019)