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    Project Dossiers

    Revenue reporting in international long-distance rail transport

    since January 2013

    Long-distance transport Rail transport Revenue reporting

    The initial situation

    Creation of a common data basis from different accounting systems of international transport companies

    Each international transport company usually sells tickets via its own sales system and generates national accounting data in a country-specific format. International billing between the European partner railways is carried out using billing data records in an agreed structure, the electronic UIC billing message.

    For the international cooperation between Deutsche Bahn (DB) and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), a common basis for looking at the different sales information of cross-border rail passenger transport was desired.

    An international revenue monitoring system as a planning and control instrument

    The concrete task

    Establishment of a revenue reporting system for international traffic between Germany and Switzerland

    Our solution

    Procedure for the consolidation of accounting data, selection and presentation of the desired information, creation of a monthly report

    Benefits of the results

    Reporting as a planning and control tool for two international partner railways

    Project data and contact persons

    Common data basis for transports Germany – Switzerland

    DB Fernverkehr AG and SBB Passenger Traffic

    Processing period
    since January 2012